
RFEM 6 Tutorial for Beginners | 001 Introduction (USA)

Welcome to our tutorial: RFEM 6 for USA beginners!

In this video, we would like to introduce you to our tutorial series about the RFEM 6 3D FEA program. You will gain an overview of the structure of the course and, above all, learn how to assess your level of knowledge after this tutorial series.

With our new RFEM 6 program, we introduce a new generation of our popular structural analysis programs. You can expect a powerful, simple and intuitive tool to help with your daily tasks.

Our tutorial series includes about 20 chapters; that is, 20 videos that will show step by step how to perform the structural modeling, calculation, and design of a simple steel hall.

If you do not have RFEM 6 installed yet, you can download the 90-day trial version on our website and, as always, students get their version for free.

Have fun and I hope you enjoy learning RFEM 6 together.
