
Warning for Result Combinations and Nonlinearities: Causes and Solutions

When starting the calculation, I get Warning No. 30015: "Incorrect addition of load cases in the result combination!" What can be the reason for this?


Check to see if you have entered "Nonlinearities" in your structure. For example, "Ineffective Supports", "Members with Nonlinearities (Compression or Tension Members)", or "Nonlinear Material Behavior" (see Image 01).

When you try to add load cases using result combinations in such structures, the warning appears (see Image 02).

When adding load cases of the result combination (RC), only the results of the individual load cases are added. This means that the "Nonlinearities" cannot be displayed correctly, as the member could fail, for example, in one load case, but not in another load case. Therefore, you would add the results from different structural systems when using RCs. This leads to incorrect results.

Please use load combinations (COs) in such situations. In this case, a large load case (load combination) will be generated and this load situation will be calculated in a summarized form. This should enable a correct representation of nonlinearities in the structure.

As an alternative, if the calculation with RCs is required due to the calculation time, you can consider whether the nonlinearities will be absolutely necessary.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

