
Design of Piping Systems

Is it possible to analyze and design piping systems with Dlubal Software?


RFEM 5 provides a basis for the calculation and design of piping systems. The RF-PIPING and RF-PIPING Design add-on modules support you in your modeling and design.

Since it is also possible to model supporting structures and other components of the entire model, analysis and design close to reality are possible.

Main Program RFEM 5

The main program RFEM 5 is used to define the structure and actions.

Add-on Modules

RF-PIPING Add-on Module for RFEM 5
Modeling of pipelines, including specific piping components, such as valves, flanges, or fittings.
Add-on Module RF-PIPING Design for RFEM 5
Comparison of existing and allowable stresses of piping systems

Available Standards

  • EN 13480-3
  • ASME B31.1
  • ASME B31.3

Dynamic Analysis

If it is necessary to perform seismic analysis or vibration design of a building, the RF‑/DYNAM Pro add-on modules provide special tools for determining natural frequencies and mode shapes, analysis of forced vibrations, generation of equivalent loads, or nonlinear time history analysis.
Dynamic and Seismic Analysis

If you have any questions about Dlubal Software programs, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department.

