
Scaling Visual Objects for Export to RWIND Simulation

I would like to use the export of visual objects to RWIND Simulation. How do I scale my visual object for the import?


3ds files do not contain any scale information. If you know the maximum dimensions of your object, you can import the visual object at the correct scale.

The maximum dimension of our visual object is 10 m. We can use this value and define it as an absolute, maximum size in the settings when inserting the visual object. Furthermore, you can select various points where the visual object can be positioned. Our previously modeled structure fits the desired location precisely.

As of program version xx.23.01, you can use the visual objects for the export as a terrain model or an environment model for calculation in RWIND Simulation.

Therefore, these objects are also used in the calculation of all load cases in the background.


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.

