
StandardID and AnnexID for COM Interface

What are the StandardID and AnnexID of various National Annexes for processing using the COM interface?


StandardID and AnnexID can be displayed easily at any time using the following macro:

You can find this macro in the archive of the product website (see Links).

Here is an overview of the current attachments:

StandardID AnnexID Name
DIN 0 Germany
ÖNORM 1 Austria
CSN 2 Czech Republic
STN 3 Slovakia
PN 4 Poland
SIST 5 Slovenia
DK 6 Denmark
UNI 7 Italy
NEN 8 Netherlands
SFS 9 Finland
SS 10 Sweden
NF 11 France
BS 12 United Kingdom
CEN 13 European Union
BDS 14 Bulgaria
CYS 15 Cyprus
LST 16 Lithuania
SR 17 Romania
SS 18 Singapore
NBN 19 Belgium
NP 20 Portugal
UNE 21 Spain
MAL 22 Malaysia
NS 23 Norway
LU 24 Luxembourg
ELOT 25 Greece


Mr. Günthel provides technical support for our customers.

