
Shadowing Effect in Fire Resistance Design According to EN 1993-1-2

For unprotected I‑sections, the standard provides the correction factor ksh according to Equation 4.26a in Section (2) to consider the shadowing effect. The term [Am/V]b is used there. This section factor includes Am, which represents the box enclosing the cross‑section (Index b = boxed). In the case of a three-sided fire exposure (a girder with a massive ceiling), the flange surface not exposed to fire is not taken into account when determining [Am/V]b.

Three-sided: [Am/V]b = (h + h + b)/V
Four-sided: [Am/V]b = (h + h + b + b)/V
h and b are the outer dimensions of the cross-section.

There is no information in the standard regarding the determination of the correction factor ksh for three-sided fire exposure. In the RF‑/STEEL EC3 add‑on module, the correction factor ksh is always considered.


Mr. Flori is the customer support team leader and provides technical support for customers of Dlubal Software.

