
"Column" Support Type on Walls

RFEM provides an easy way to consider elastic support of a horizontal slab as a result of connected columns. By specifying the column's cross‑section, material, and length, and the support conditions at the column head and base, you can determine the support springs and use them in the calculation.

Another advantage of the "Column" support type is that the surface area of the column cross‑section is deactivated in the result output. Therefore, singularities are hidden; thus, the concrete design applies design cross‑sections.

However, if there is an inclined or vertical surface, it is impossible to use this support type. When trying to perform a calculation, an error message appears pointing out that the surface is not horizontal.

After you define the support as "elastic node support", close the dialog box and open the "Edit Nodal Support" dialog box again; then you can deactivate the "Column in Z" option. In this case, the determined spring constants are transferred into the "normal" support definition.

It is impossible to apply the "elastic surface foundation" support for inclined/vertical surfaces, since the spring constants are not determined until the FE mesh is generated.

If you also want to hide the column cross-section for surface results in the case of inclined surfaces, you can use the average regions for this:


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

