

In a separate dialog box, you can specify extensive detailed settings for the design:

Design Method According to DIN 18800

  • Design Method 1 According to El. (321)
  • Design Method 2 According to El. (322)

Analysis method

  • Elastic-Plastic according to DIN 18800
  • Elastic-elastic according to a publication by Kretschmar, J./Österrieder, P./beirow, B.

Limit loading of general sections

  • General sections – these include all cross-sections that cannot be assigned to single or double symmetric I-sections, box sections, or pipe sections – can also be designed according to the equivalent member method against flexural buckling. In this case, however, the plastic cross-section properties are determined without interaction conditions. The allowable application limits for this consideration depend on the ratio of the existing internal force to the fully plastic internal force. Five text boxes provide the option for user-defined control.

Check of limit (c/t)

  • In this dialog section, you can activate or deactivate the check of c/t ratios.

Treatment of Result Combinations

  • When designing a result combination, a result set is obtained due to the result superposition on each member location, which makes it impossible to clearly determine the moment factors. In this section, you can thus freely specify a global moment factor for a result combination design. The predefined values are on the safe side, regardless of the design method.
