
Timber Design | Fire Resistance | Design and Results

As you probably know, the design checks for the selected members are carried out, taking into account the defined charring time. All necessary reduction factors and coefficients are stored accordingly in the program and are taken into account when determining the load-bearing capacity. That saves you a lot of work.

The effective lengths for the equivalent member design are taken directly from the strength entries. You do not have to enter them again.

After completing the design, the program presents the fire resistance design checks clearly and with all result details. This allows you to follow the results completely transparently. The results also contain all the required parameters, so you can determine the component temperature at the design time.

In addition to all these features, the program allows you to integrate all result tables and graphics, including the ultimate and serviceability limit state results,into the global printout report of RFEM/RSTAB as a part of the steel design results.
