
Converting Scripts into Blocks

To generate blocks from the scripts, it is first necessary to open the desired script and insert the generate() command as shown in the image Command "Generate" in Script. After editing the script, it has to be saved.


Please note that there are additional commands used to create the structure itself.

After saving the script, use the "Save as Block" function in the "File" menu in RFEM.

Add the script previously saved as a JavaScript file.

Thus, the program takes the JavaScript file as a block and saves it in the Blocks catalog. To insert the block and continue using it, open the catalog by clicking the Insert Block button and select the block. When inserting it, you can edit the block and display the JavaScript that was used to generate the block. Further information can be found in Chapter Blocks of the RFEM manual.

After inserting the block, it is available as a special object in the Navigator.

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