

The cost and CO2 emission estimation can also be documented in the printout report. To do this, open the Printout Report Manager. There, the data is managed under the basic objects in the categories materials and cross-sections.

Check the options for Cost Estimation and/or Emission Estimation. Then, click the Save and Show button to display the changes in the selected printout report.

Cost Estimation

For the materials, the following information is listed in the "Cost Estimation" category for each material that you have activated for the cost estimation:

  • Unit costs of the activated partial mass components (members, surfaces, solids)
  • Quantity of the components assigned to the material
  • Cost of each component
  • Total weight of all activated components with the weight of the material in the total mass
  • Total costs with the cost proportion of the material in total costs
  • Total costs

For the cross-sections, the following information is listed in the "Cost Estimation" category for each cross-section activated for the cost estimation:

  • Unit costs
  • Quantity assigned to the cross-section
  • Partial costs
  • Sum costs
  • Total costs
  • Cost proportion of the cross-section in total costs

Emissions Estimation

For the materials, the following information is listed in the "Emission Estimation" category for each material activated for the CO2 emission estimation:

  • Unit emissions of the activated partial mass components (members, surfaces, solids)
  • Quantity of the components assigned to the material
  • Emissions of each component
  • Total emissions of all activated components with the emission proportion of the material in the total emission
  • Total emission

In the case of the cross-sections, the following information is listed in the "Emission Estimation" category for each cross-section activated for the CO2 emission estimation:

  • Unit emissions
  • Quantity assigned to the cross-section
  • Partial emissions
  • Sum emission
  • Total emission
  • Emission proportion of the cross-section in the total emission