
New Filter Plant in Medupi, South Africa

The South African energy provider Eskom is building one of the world's largest coal-fired power stations in Medupi, 248.5 mi north of Johannesburg; the station has 4800 MW of power.

It consists of six 800 MW blocks. The power plant will be equipped with the latest bag filter systems for dust reduction.

Structural Design in RFEM

Dlubal's long-time customer Prof. Schmidt & Partner was commissioned by the company Balcke-Dürr, NL Rothemühle, with the structural design and calculation of the bag filter housing, including the flue gas/clean gas ducts, support structure, and staircase. The supporting structure with the total dimensions of W/L/H = 59 ft/157.4 ft/88.5 ft was entered in RFEM because it turned out to be useful in determining the structure in an FE model. A particular challenge was the consideration of South African standards and semi-finished products (cross-sections). The extensive RFEM profile database was a great help here. The supporting structure was designed using both structural and dynamic analysis; for example, for various temperature conditions and an earthquake load case.
Structural Engineering Prof. Schmidt & Partner
Büro für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau
Kruppstraße 98
D-45145 Essen, Germany
Investor Eskom Enterprises
Sandton, South Africa

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 5021
Number of Lines 10422
Number of Members 8909
Number of Surfaces 809
Number of Load Cases 8
Total Weight 538,495 t
Dimensions (Metric) 51.610 x 22.050 x 28.150 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 169.32 x 72.34 x 92.36 feet
Program Version 4.06.02

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