Comparison of Results with Defined Limit States
- Design of member ends, members, nodal supports, nodes, and surfaces
- Consideration of specified design areas
- Check of cross-section dimensions
- Design according to EN 1995-1-1 (European Timber Standard) with the respective National Annexes + DIN 1052 + DSTV DIN EN 1993-1-8 + ANSI / AWC - NDS 2015 (US Standard)
- Design of various materials, such as steel, concrete, and others
- No necessary linking to specific standards
- Extensible library including timber fasteners (SIHGA, Sherpa, WÜRTH, Simpson StrongTie, KNAPP, PITZL) and steel fasteners (standardized connections in steel building design according to EC 3, M-connect, PFEIFER, TG-Technik)
- Ultimate load capacities of timber beams by the companies STEICO and Metsä Wood available in the library
- Connection to MS Excel
- Optimization of connecting elements (the most utilized element is calculated)
After selecting the loads required for the design and, if necessary, the desired standard for the design, you can define the limit loads in Window 1.2 Limit Parameters. In addition to the manufacturers listed in the limit library, it is possible to add user-defined entries.
After selecting all limit elements for the design, you can optionally define the load duration class (LDC). However, this module window is available only for timber fastener design according to EN 1995-1-1 or DIN 1052.
First, the governing design checks of the connection for the respective load case, and load combination, or result combination are displayed. In addition, it is possible to display results separately for sets of members, surfaces, cross-section, members, nodes, and nodal supports.
- You can use a filter to further reduce the displayed results and thus present them in a clearer way.
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