

  • Design of member ends, members, nodal supports, nodes, and surfaces
  • Consideration of specified design areas
  • Check of cross-section dimensions
  • Design according to EN 1995-1-1 (European Timber Standard) with the respective National Annexes + DIN 1052 + DSTV DIN EN 1993-1-8 + ANSI / AWC - NDS 2015 (US Standard)
  • Design of various materials, such as steel, concrete, and others
  • No necessary linking to specific standards
  • Extensible library including timber fasteners (SIHGA, Sherpa, WÜRTH, Simpson StrongTie, KNAPP, PITZL) and steel fasteners (standardized connections in steel building design according to EC 3, M-connect, PFEIFER, TG-Technik)
  • Ultimate load capacities of timber beams by the companies STEICO and Metsä Wood available in the library
  • Connection to MS Excel
  • Optimization of connecting elements (the most utilized element is calculated)
