
[EN] FAQ 003493 | How is it possible to optimize the calculation time in CRANEWAY?

How is it possible to optimize the calculation time in CRANEWAY?

In the case of long crane runways and many cranes, the large number of load combinations can lead to a long calculation time. The following settings affect the calculation time significantly:

Calculation Method for Determining Internal Forces
Fast calculation (a calculation of all load combinations according to the linear static analysis, then a calculation of the governing load combinations according to the second-order torsional buckling analysis)
Detailed calculation (a calculation of all load combinations according to the second-order torsional buckling analysis)

The fast calculation type may therefore be useful for preliminary design.

Maximum Target Length of Finite Elements
The maximum length of the finite elements generated for the calculation according to the second-order torsional buckling analysis can be entered within the range of 100 mm to 2,500 mm. The calculation time can be increased significantly by the finer division of finite elements.
Thus, you should select a reasonable length of the finite elements for an optimized calculation time, depending on the structural system. Usually, 8 elements for each girder span are enough to calculate the deformations with a deviation of less than 5% with regard to a precise solution.

Number of Load Combinations
You can use a reasonable setting of the load increment to control the number of generated load combinations. When entering the load increment, the generated number of crane load positions and load combinations is already displayed in a preview. A small load increment may result in many load combinations that, accordingly, take more time in the calculation.
