
Independent Definition of Soil Layers and Soil Parameters

Can I define soil layers for a soil profile with soil parameters myself?


Yes, you can. It is possible to create your own soil profile that meets your requirements.

By default, a soil layer with a thickness of 10 m and "Gravel, Well-Graded (GW)" are applied to the soil profile.

In the dialog box for creating the soil profile, you can define an individual soil profile for your construction project and define new additional soil layers. See Image 01.

Various materials are available in the Material Library. See Image 02.

You can specify the thicknesses of the individual layers. The interactive graphic on the right side of the dialog box helps you to check the entry. It is possible to adjust the soil parameters individually for the respective layer (see Image 03) and to reject the values in the library. As soon as you adjust the soil parameter, the name of the soil layer is marked with an *.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
