
Critical Bending Moment

Critical bending moment
Mcrit =  2 · e · c* - az* · B*  +   2 · e · c* - az* · B* 2 + 4 · 1.0 ·  B* · T* - e* · c*2 2
c* = Ky · L2π2 · n2
az* = azn2
B* = E0.05 · IZ · π2 · n2L2 + c*
T* = G0.05 · IT + c* · e2
n = 1 , 2 , 3 ...
Mcrit Critical bending moment
az Distance of the load application from the shear center
e Distance of the member elastic foundation from the shear center
Ky Elastic member foundation per truss member
L Beam length
n nth eigensolution
E0.05 5 % quantile of the modulus of elasticity
Iz Second moment of area about the weak axis
G0.05 5 % quantile of the shear modulus
IT Torsional constant
