
Optimization & Costs / CO2 Emission Estimation | Input

Did you know? The structural optimization in the programs RFEM and RSTAB is a completion of the parametric input. It is a parallel process beside the actual model calculation with all its regular calculation and design definitions. The add-on assumes that your model or block is built with a parametric context and is controlled in its entirety by global control parameters of the "optimization" type. Therefore, these control parameters have a lower and upper limit and a step size to delimit the optimization range. If you want to find optimal values for the control parameters, you have to specify an optimization criterion (for example, minimum weight) with the selection of an optimization method (for example, particle swarm optimization).

You can already find the cost and CO2 emission estimation in the material definitions. You can activate both options individually in each material definition. The estimation is based on a unit for unit cost or unit emission for members, surfaces, and solids. In this case, you can select whether to specify the units by weight, volume, or area.
