
Design of Steel Crane Runway Girder

This graduation thesis presents the design of a crane runway girder loaded by a double girder bridge crane. The calculation was performed according to Eurocode 3, Part 6, for crane supporting structures. The loads caused by the crane operation were determined according to Eurocode 1, Part 3, for actions induced by cranes and machinery.

Milan Krneta
University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Architecture
Civil Engineering and Geodesy

The girder analyzed in this work is a dynamically loaded structure with a large number of loading and unloading cycles, which makes it susceptible to fatigue. Due to the durability and functionality of the crane, accuracy in the construction and installation of this structure, as well as the rails on which the bridge crane moves, is very important.

The individual chapters of the graduation thesis focus on the following issues:

  1. Basic data on bridge cranes, their types and description of bridge and cantilever cranes.
  2. Analysis of bridge crane loading, i.e. load modeling method according to Eurocode 1, Part 3, including consideration of dynamic coefficients.
  3. Workflow of calculation of the crane runway girder using ultimate and serviceability limit states.
  4. Structural beam systems (single-span beam, continuous beam and Gerber beam), their advantages and disadvantages.
  5. Selection of girder cross-section according to references, including advantages and disadvantages of the selected cross-sections.
  6. Types of connection of the crane runway girder on the supporting structure, including bearing types.
  7. Connections of crane runway girders, their structural systems and location in industrial facility.
  8. Buffers at the ends of crane runways. Types of buffers with their description and sketches.
  9. Crane rails. Types of rails, method of selecting the rail type depending on the crane type.
  10. Example of crane runway girder calculation. The dimensions of the building, where the crane operates, are 26x40 m. The height of the main column of the building is 6 m and the slope of the roof plane of the building is 6°.

