
Customer Project: Look-Out Tower Saarschleife, Germany

With the height of about 137.8 ft, the look‑out tower offers a unique view over the landscape of the Saar-Hunsrück Nature Park, into the Saar Bow valley and, if the visibility is clear, even as far as the Vosges Mountains. The tower is the highlight of the tree‑top trail with a length of 4,101 ft, which allows for walks up to 75.5 ft above the forest level.

The tower was designed in a semicircle shape to mirror the Saar Bow. The semicircle form was also chosen as an effective way to minimize the impact on the quartzite biotope.

The company WIEHAG GmbH was responsible for the planning, structural analysis and design, fabrication and assembly of the tower. For the structural calculations, the RSTAB software was used.

Planning, Structural Engineering, Construction:
WIEHAG GmbH, Altheim, Austria | @wiehagtimberconstruction

Structural Analysis of Foundations:
Ing.-Büro Wolf GmbH, Passau, Germany

Architectural office Josef Stöger, Schönberg, Germany | stoeger-koelbl.de

Erlebnis Akademie AG, Bad Kötzting, Germany | http://bit.ly/2XxtonN

Photos, visualisations and model:
© by StructureCraft Builders Inc.

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