
Customer Project: Construction for Bus Station in Aarau, Switzerland

A unique structure which roofs the main bus station in the Swiss town of Aarau was built at the end of 2013. The canopy has a cloud-like shape and contains the largest single-chamber cushion in the world.

In the center of the canopy there is an organically shaped opening. The air cushion is inflated, also a clear and blue‑dyed foil with a finely balanced print was used.

The cushion is enveloped and spanned by an irregular mesh of stainless steel cables that are fixed to the curved pipes on the edge.

Structural Engineering (Structural Analysis, Workshop Planning for Steel, Membrane, Cables, Specialist Department + Quality Control):
formTL Ingenieure für Tragwerk und Leichtbau GmbH, Radolfzell, Germany | www.form-tl.de

Construction (Project Planning and Solid Construction):
suisseplan Ingenieure AG, Aarau, Switzerland | www.suisseplan.ch

Construction (Construction Work):
Arge Foliendach with Ruch AG, Altdorf, Switzerland | www.ruch-ag.ch

Vector Foiltec GmbH, Bremen, Germany | www.vector-foiltec.com

Vehovar & Jauslin AG, Zürich, Switzerland | www.vja.ch

City of Aarau, Switzerland | www.aarau.ch

Photos and model:
© by formTL
© by Niklaus Spoerri

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