
FAQ 005522 | How can I manually adjust the NDS and CSA O86 factors for consideration in the Timbe...

How can I manually adjust the NDS and CSA O86 factors for consideration in the Timber Design add-on?

For the CSA O86 and NDS 2018, the Modification and Adjustment factors can be manually adjusted with respect to the calculations run by the Timber Design add-on in RFEM 6. For both, these factors are tied to the material.
First, open the material(s) being used in the design and set them to "User-Defined". Once this is done, navigate to the Timber Design tab where the Modification and Adjustment Factors can be entered manually.
► Image | Setting Material to User-Defined https://www.dlubal.com/en/img/050326
► Image | Manually Changing Modification and Adjustment Factors https://www.dlubal.com/en/img/050327
