
Network-Based Installation of RFEM / RSTAB

How is it possible to distribute the installations via a network?


The installation packages can be distributed via an MSI file (Windows Installer Package). To do this, it is necessary first to extract the MSI file from the installation package.

To do this, run setup.exe with the "-E" parameter. For the example in Image 01, the RFEM installation file has been copied to the C:\ drive. After the decompression, you will find a new folder titled "ProgramVersionNumber_Architecture" in the same path. For the example in Image 01, a folder with the name RFEM5.07.13_64‑bit has been created.

Subsequently, you can run the installation from this folder with the command "msiexec -i <packagename>.msi" (see Image 02).

If you also want to import the authorization file and set the language to German, the command is as follows:

msiexec -i "Dlubal RSTAB 64-bit.msi" -passive -q TRANSFORMS=1031.mst AUTHORIZATION_FILE_PATH=\\<YOUR SERVER>\AUTHOR.INI

If you use the -q (=-quiet) command, the installation runs without the user interface.

Please note that the command prompt is started by right-clicking and using the shortcut menu option "Run as Administrator".

The German version will be installed using the parameter "TRANSFORMS=1031.mst". If you want to install the English version, you need to omit this parameter.

Detailed information about all commands and language IDs can be found in the "Software Deployment" document of the system.


Mr. Faulstich is responsible for the quality assurance of the RFEM program and provides customer support.

