
Creating Circular Opening in Pipe

How do I create a circular opening in a pipe?


Creating Opening Using Intersection

To create the opening, you have to create a surface with the diameter of the opening through the pipe wall. The "Create Intersection" function allows you to create single components that you can subsequently deactivate. The procedure is shown in the video.

Creating Opening Using Converted Intersection Line

It is also possible to convert the intersection line found into a normal line. Then, you can remove the intersection and put an opening into it. It is then necessary to manually integrate the inserted opening into the surface (see the video). However, it should be noted that the quality of an intersection is higher than the converted intersection line. When using the converted intersection line, discontinuities may occur in the rendering or in the FE mesh, depending on the model.


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.

