
Equivalent Stress

Why are there different equivalent stresses in RFEM 5 and RF‑STEEL, although the same CO is considered?


It is possible to display or calculate the stresses in RFEM as well as in the RF‑STEEL Surfaces add-on module by using the following smoothing options:

  • Constant on Elements
  • Non-Continuous
  • Continuous Within Surfaces
  • Continuous Total
  • Continuously by Groups / Continuous by Groups

To compare the results correctly, it is necessary to select the same display type and calculation type in RFEM 5 and RF‑STEEL Surfaces.

In RFEM 5, it is possible to do this in Project Navigator Display → Results → Surfaces → Distribution of Internal Forces/Stresses (Image 02). In the RF‑STEEL Surfaces module, this can be displayed or changed in Details → "Options" tab (Image 03).


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
