
Adjusting Available Reinforcing Steel Diameters

In RF‑/FOUNDATION Pro, the available reinforcing steel diameters can be adjusted by the user. The adjustment of the available rebar diameters works similarly to the same function in the RF‑/CONCRETE (Members) and RF‑/CONCRETE Columns add‑on modules.

In Window 1.3 Materials, click the [Edit List of Available Diameters ...] button to open a dialog box where you can enter the desired diameters. You can also deselect the diameters predetermined by default and thus delete the values entered in the text box (for example, 6.0 mm).

This function allows you to create an additional diameter (for example, dS = 7.0 mm) to simulate a mesh reinforcement mat that is not included in the product range (for example, Germany - 2008‑01‑01).


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

