
Automatic Backup

RFEM and RSTAB save the input data, the FE mesh, the results, the printout reports, and the 3D gITF model preview, including all visual objects, in one file.

RFEM uses the *.rf5, and RSTAB the *.rs8, file format. The file can be stored in any directory on the local computer or in the network. This file is updated with each save. In order to minimize data loss from accidental PC incidents and crashes, the program operates with an interval-controlled backup mode and a backup file.

On one hand, the program saves the current data status in the file "Working Directory\RFVersion Number\File Name\Position.bak" with each save process and automatic backup process. After an incorrectly ended program session, the program asks if you want to restore the last opened model with the data from the "Position.bak" file in the working directory. If you select the "Yes" option, the regular file is replaced by the "Position.bak" file. The "No" option deletes the "Position.bak" backup file. The remaining backup files will be permanently deleted the next time the program is started after a successful program run (open and close) without crashing. You can set the backup intervals in "Program Options" under the "Program" tab.

On the other hand, the programs save the current status before the actual state in the backup file ".\File name.rf5bak" for RFEM and ".\File name.rs8bak" for RSTAB. You can also define this option in the "Program Options" tab.


Mr. Niemeier is responsible for the development of RFEM, RSTAB, RWIND Simulation, and in the area of membrane structures. He is also responsible for quality assurance and customer support.
