
User-Defined Cross-Sections

There are two ways of adding cross‑sections that are not included in the extensive cross‑section library: 1. You can create the cross‑section in the cross‑section programs SHAPE‑THIN or SHAPE‑MASSIVE and import it to RFEM/RSTAB. 2. If the cross‑section properties are provided by the manufacturer, you can add it to the RFEM/RSTAB cross‑section library using the option "New User‑Defined Cross‑Section".

In both cases, the new cross‑sections are saved in the user‑defined cross‑section library that is globally available for all structures. Even if you upgrade to a new program version (for example, from X.05.XXXX to X.06.XXXX), these cross‑sections will be available there. If you create several cross‑sections this way on your computer, you can transfer them to another computer by exchanging the "EigProf.dat" file.


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

