
Member Stiffness According to AISC 360-10 C2.3(2)

With RFEM version 5.06, member stiffnesses can be influenced by methods that are aligned with US steel construction standard ANSI/AISC 360-10. According to this standard, reduction factor τb must be considered for the determination of internal forces in all members of which the flexural resistance contributes to the model's stability. This coefficient depends on the axial force in the member: The larger the axial force, the larger τb is.

τb can be determined iteratively. To do this, the design method must be specified (LRFD or ASD). Then, RFEM calculates the coefficient according to equation (C2-2a) or (C2-2b) in several steps until a convergence occurs.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

