
2.4 National Annex

In the upper-right part of Window 1.1 General Data, you can select the National Annex whose parameters you want to use for the design (see Figure 2.9). Click [Edit] to check the preset parameters. The content of the dialog box depends on the specified material (steel or timber connections).

Steel connections
Image 2.18 National Annex Settings - EN 1993-1-8/NA:2010-12 dialog box
Timber connections
Image 2.19 National Annex Settings - EN 1995-1-1:2004/A1:2008 dialog box

These dialog boxes display various factors of the National Annex such as the material factor, modification factor, and shear correction factor. Generally, you cannot change the values as they are codified in the National Annexes.

You can click [New] to create a user-defined National Annex where you can freely define the factors.

The [Nat. Annex] button is available in every input window. You can use it to open the National Annex Settings dialog box as well.

The buttons in the National Annex Settings dialog box have the following functions:

Table 2.5 Buttons in the National Annex Settings dialog box
Button Function

Restores the program's default settings

Imports user-defined default settings

Saves modified settings as default

Deletes user-defined National Annex

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