
3 Results

Module window 2.1 Limit Checks by Loading appears immediately after the calculation.

Figure 3.1 Module window 2.1 Limit Checks by Loading

The results of the limit value check are sorted by various criteria in the result windows 2.1 to 2.6.

Every window can be selected by clicking the corresponding entry in the navigator. To go to the previous or next module window, use the buttons shown on the left. You can also use the function keys [F2] and [F3] to go through the windows.

The results can be evaluated in different ways. The buttons below the table may help you. They have the following functions:

Table 3.1 Buttons in result windows
Button Description Function

Relation scales

Shows or hides the colored scales in the table column Ratio

Ratios > 1

Shows only rows with ratios greater than 1 (design not fulfilled)

Export to MS Excel

Exports contents of the table to MS Excel

Member selection

Allows for the graphical selection of a member to display its results in the table

View mode

Jumps to the RFEM or RSTAB work window to change the view