
4.1 Printout Report

Printout reports are created in the same way as in RFEM or RSTAB. First, a printout is generated for the data of the add-on module RF-/LIMITS to which you can add graphics and explanations. The selection in the printout report determines which data from the design module will be included in the final printout.

The printout report is described in the RFEM or RSTAB manual. Chapter Selecting Data of Add-on Modules explains how to prepare input and output data of add-on modules for the printout.

Figure 4.1 Dialog box Printout Report Selection for RF-LIMITS

For large structural systems with many design cases, it is recommended to split the data into several printout reports, thus allowing for a clearly-arranged printout.

Figure 4.2 Printout report with data from RF-LIMITS
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