
Spatial frame structure | Due to the pattern of the structure, number of spans in X or Y direction, should be increased or decreased 'one' step from previous level.


for n = 4

nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4 = 3, 4, 5, 6

ny1, ny2, ny3, ny4 = 4, 3, 4, 5

Because of the multiplicity, number of nx and ny are the same at the beginning and unfortunately the blocks starts with ASSERT.

The minimum number of levels is 2.

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3TS001 | Spatial Frame Structure

Block parameters editable dynamically
Number of Nodes 52
Number of Lines 175
Number of Members 175
Number of Surfaces 0
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 1
Number of Load Combinations 0
Number of Result Combinations 0
Total Weight 4.011 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 7,500 x 4,000 x 10,000 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 24.61 x 13.12 x 32.81 feet

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