Fire Resistance
Steel Design | Fire Resistance | Features
- Manual specification of critical component temperature or automatic determination of component temperature for desired duration
- A wide range of fire curves: standard temperature-time curve, external fire curve, hydrocarbon curve
- Manual adjustment of the essential coefficients for the determination of the steel temperature
- Consideration of hot-dip galvanizing of structural components for the determination of the steel temperature
- Results of a temperature-time diagram for the gas and steel temperature
- Fire protection cladding as a contour or a box cladding with temperature-independent materials can be considered when determining the temperature
- Design of members made of carbon steel or stainless steel
- Cross-section design checks and stability analyses (equivalent member method) according to EN 1993‑1‑2, Clause 4.2.3
- Design checks of the cross-sections of Class 4 according to EN 1993‑1‑2, Annex E.
Steel Design | Fire Resistance | Input
The structural analysis programs RFEM/RSTAB offer you a wide range of automated functions that make your dayily work easier. One of them is the automatic generation of load and result combinations for the accidental design situation of fire design. The members to be designed with the corresponding internal forces are imported directly from RFEM/RSTAB. You don't need to do anything else. The program has also already stored all information about the material and cross-section for you.
By assigning a fire resistance configuration to the members to be designed, you define the parameters relevant for the fire resistance design. Here you can manually specify the critical steel temperature at the design time. Or let the program to determine the temperature determined automatically for a specified fire duration. You can select from various fire temperature curves and fire protection measures. It is also possible to make further detailed settings, such as the definition of the fire exposure on all sides or three sides
Steel Design | Fire Resistance | Design
The design checks for the members you have selected are carried out taking into account the governing component temperature. You can perform the cross-section design checks and stability analyses according to EN 1993‑1‑2, Section 4.2.3, in the Steel Design add-on. All reduction factors and coefficients that are necessary are stored accordingly and are taken into account when determining the load-bearing capacity.
The effective lengths for the equivalent member design are taken directly from the strength entries. You don't need to enter them again.
In each design, perform the cross-section classification first. For the cross-sections of Class 4, the design is performed automatically according to EN 1993‑1‑2, Annex E.
Steel Design | Fire Resistance | Results
After completing the design, the Dlubal Software presents the fire resistance design checks clearly and with all result details. This makes the results comprehensible in detail. Furthermore, the results also contain all the parameters required for the determination of the component temperature at the design time.
You can also specifically evaluate the temperature distribution in the structural component using the temperature-time diagram.
All result tables and graphics, including the ultimate and serviceability limit state results, can be integrated into the global printout report of RFEM/RSTAB as a part of the steel design results.
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