
Import of Effective Lengths

Is there any option to automatically import the effective lengths of members calculated in RSBUCK or RF‑STABILITY into RF‑/STEEL EC3?


The effective lengths calculated in RSBUCK or RF‑STABILITY can be transferred to RF‑/STEEL EC3.

To do this, click the cell of the effective length factor kcr in Window 1.5 "Effective Lengths – Members" or Window 1.6 "Effective Lengths – Sets of Members" (lower table). This will enable several buttons available. Click the latter one with the three points.

In the "Select Effective Length Factor" dialog box, you can then import the effective length factors for each member from the RSBUCK or RF‑STABILITY add-on module.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
