
Definition of Constant Temperature Load Over Cross-Section Height

I would like to define a constant temperature load over the cross-section height. Why is it not possible to select the load direction in the local x-direction of the member for this?


For constant heating/cooling of the cross-section (membrane component), the load parameter Tc must be defined. This generates the length change along the x-axis automatically. It is not necessary to explicitly select direction x.

The load parameter ΔT describes the temperature difference from the top side of the member to the bottom side of the member (bending component). This can be defined in the y or z direction.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

  1. Dlubal Software. (2018). Manual RFEM. Tiefenbach.
  2. Dlubal Software. (2016). Manual RSTAB. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.
