
Missing Deduction of Soil Contact Stresses for Wall Corners and Wall Ends in RF-PUNCH Pro

For wall ends and wall corners, no soil contact stresses are deducted in RF‑PUNCH Pro, even though the "Foundation" type has been set. Furthermore, there seems to be no option anywhere to set the soil contact stresses to be deducted. Why?


If you perform a punching shear design for a wall corner or a wall end at a floor slab or foundation plate, this entry is not necessary.

Since the punching load is determined from the shear forces in the control perimeter for a punching shear check at a wall corner or a wall end, the component of the surface load within the control perimeter is missing anyway (up to the load application). Therefore, this entry is also not necessary in Window 1.5.

If, however, you perform the punching shear design for an isolated column at a foundation plate with the punching load due to the normal force of this column, you can enter the "Deductible Surface Load" at the end of Window "1.5 Nodes of Punching Shear – Node of Punching Shear – Details", which allows you to determine ΔVEd.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

