
Placing Cross-Section and Material Description on Member

Is it possible to place the description of cross-sections and materials in the middle of a member?


In Display Properties, you can set the relative position of the member information.

  • Select the category "Model Data → Members → Members of Type Beam" on the left.
  • Define the category under "Numbering" in the middle part of the dialog box; for example, "Cross-Sections".
  • Then, click the button [123] "Edit Positions of Line/Member Information" on the bottom right; see the image.
  • In the following dialog box, you can edit the relative positions of the member information. For example, enter 0.50 to place the cross-section description in the middle of the member.


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  1. Dlubal Software. (2018). Manual RFEM. Tiefenbach.
  2. Dlubal Software. (2016). Manual RSTAB. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.
