
Abbreviations for Crane Loads in CRANEWAY

What is the meaning of the abbreviations for the crane loads in the CRANEWAY add-on module?


Vertical Wheel Loads

QC (a component due to the self-weight of the crane)
QH (a component due to the hoist load)

Horizontal Wheel Loads

HT (a component due to starting/braking the crane bridge)
HS (a component of skew forces due to starting/braking the crane)
HT3 (a component due to starting/braking the crane trolley or hoist)

Longitudinal Loads

HL (a component due to starting/braking the crane)

If a skew force (S) or a buffer force (HB) is also effective, it can be specified below the table.

On our website, you can find an interesting webinar about "Design of Craneway Girders According to Eurocode 3".


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
