
Design in Mechanical Engineering

Is it possible to use the Dlubal Software programs for mechanical engineering design?


Both RFEM 5 and RSTAB 8 are ideally suited for application in mechanical engineering and are used by numerous users in daily practice. Due to the modular system, you can only use the add-on modules required for your purposes.

Main Programs RFEM 5 or RSTAB 8

The main programs are used to define structures and materials as well as actions.

RSTAB 8 is suitable for beam, frame, or truss structures. In addition, RFEM 5 provides additional options to calculate structures with surface or solid elements.

Add-on Modules

Calculation of stresses and comparison with limit stresses

Modeling of pipelines (in RFEM only)

Design of pipelines (in RFEM only)

Dynamic Analysis

If a seismic analysis or vibration designs are required, the RF-/DYNAM Pro add-on modules provide special tools for determining natural frequencies and mode shapes, analysis of forced vibrations, generation of equivalent loads, and nonlinear time history analysis.

If you have any questions about Dlubal Software programs, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department.

