
Using "End Prestress" Load Type 

Until now, the prestress load type had always been an initial prestress in Dlubal Software programs. The defined load magnitude was applied and, depending on the stiffness of the surrounding system, prestress remained more or less as an axial force in the cable.

If, for example, you use a cable between two supports, the axial force corresponds to the prestress force. If you connect two brackets with a prestressed cable, the axial force in it depends on the stiffness of the columns. For a given end prestress force, the initial prestress used to be increased by manual iteration.

Now, if you select the "End prestress" load type in the load definition of RFEM 5, the program increases the load until the axial force equals the prestress force.


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

