
Parameterized Input with Access to Cells of Other Tables

Model and load objects can be defined graphically or in tables, or they can be created using parameters (see the manual). With this parameterized input, you can also access the cells of certain tables of the program. In this way, it is possible to link a load parameter with a model data parameter, for example. The reference is created by the $ sign.

The figures show how entry $ 1.1 (F3) refers to a coordinate in Table 1.1. The number of cell F3 is shown in brackets. With this reference, the nodal load is automatically adjusted if the Z-coordinate of the node changes. The load is thus dependent on the position of the node.

The values are related to the basic units according to the SI convention; in other words, [m] and [N].


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

