
Load Combinations of Horizontal Beam-Like Structures

In the case of horizontal beam-like supporting structures, the favorable and unfavorable load components of the permanent actions should be considered separately. In RFEM and RSTAB, you can do this as follows.
  1. In addition to the self-weight load case, other load cases are created for permanent actions. These include favorable load components. The automatic consideration of the self-weight must be deactivated.
  2. Apply the weight of the structure and other potential structures in the relieving areas.
    Important Note: The loads are negative, but recognized in full. The reduction follows in the load combination first. Therefore, you can use load cases for different design states (load capacity, static equilibrium).
    Tip: The self‑weight can be determined automatically by the parameterized input from the cross‑section library: GetCSPar(CrossSection(Cross-Section No.);"g")*10
  3. If the "Automatic generation of combinations" is used, the additional "permanent" load cases must be grouped in a separate action category. For this purpose, there is the Category 1.C (permanent actions/imposed load). Finally, you should adjust the partial safety factors for this category. You can apply a new national annex in this case.
    Please note: Usually, separate consideration of favorable permanent actions is no longer necessary.
  4. The partial safety factors result from the difference of γG,sup - γG,inf.


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.

