
Flat Bar Section Extensions

The SHAPE‑THIN cross‑section properties program provides convenient options for graphically setting the section reinforcements. When modeling flat bar extensions, you should note one rule only: The length of the element must be greater than the width.

Flat bars can be described as "Welded Sections" in the library using the parameters b and d. When entering the parameters, it is important that the width b is defined as larger than the thickness d according to the cross-sectional scheme. Only in this way is it possible to ensure that the element thickness is applied correctly in the equations. The thickness is included with the third power; for example, in the determination of the torsional moment of inertia.

If the strengthening is arranged vertically, as shown in the picture, the flat bar must also be defined by b > d. Before placing the bar, it can be rotated 90° in order to set the correct position.

As an alternative, flat steel can be set as a normal element by means of the start and end nodes.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

