Aby dla płyty okrągłej wyświetlić wyniki analizy statycznej i wymagania dotyczące zbrojenia, należy zmodyfikować osie siatki elementów skończonych. Since the FE mesh axes follow the surface's local axes, these axes can be oriented toward a specific point, such as the circle's center.
To set this up, edit the surface and enable the "Specific axes" checkbox. This will activate a new "Input axes" tab with several options for orienting the surface's local axes.
Select the "Axis directed to point" option and the relevant axis x or y, then use the graphical selection tool to choose the center of the circular area as the first point. The second point will automatically be defined using a vertical Z-direction vector.
After running the calculation, the static analysis results (that is, internal forces) and the Concrete Design reinforcement requirements will be displayed radially and tangentially.