2 Theoretical Background

2.1 Type of Model

The Type of Model that is defined when creating a new model has a crucial influence on how the structural components are stressed.

Image 2.1 New Model - General Data dialog box, Type of Model dialog section

When the model type 2D - XY (uZXY) is selected, the plate is only subjected to bending. The designed internal forces are then exclusively represented by moments whose vectors lie in the plane of the structural component.

However, when you select 2D - XZ (uX/uZY) or 2D - XY (uX/uYZ), the wall or diaphragm is only subjected to compression or tension. The internal forces used for the design are solely axial forces whose vectors lie in the plane of the structural component.

In a spatial 3D model type, both loadings (moments and axial forces) are combined. A structural component defined in this way can be subjected to tension/compression and bending simultaneously. Thus, the internal forces to be designed are both axial forces and moments whose vectors lie in the component's plane.

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