Limitation of concrete compressive stress
In window 1.3 Surfaces, the concrete compressive stress is limited to σc,max = 0.45 ⋅ fck and the steel stress to σs,max = 0.80 ⋅ fyk.
For concrete C30/37, the maximum (negative) concrete stress σc,max is thus determined:
σc,max = 0.45 ∙ fck = 0.45 ∙ (-30.0) = -13.5 N/mm2
The provided concrete compressive stress is determined under the assumption of a linear stress distribution because the multitude of iterations for determining the suitable direction of the concrete compression strut would be too time-consuming. A linear distribution is sufficiently accurate because in the serviceability state, there are normally concrete compressive strains of at most 0.3 to 0.5 ‰.
The maximum stress σc,max is to be compared with the provided stress of the concrete compression zone for both reinforcement directions.
The provided concrete compressive stress σc is determined as follows:
Applied moment |
Ideal moment of inertia in state II |
b |
Width of element (always 1m for plates) |
Effective modular ratio |
Provided tension reinforcement |
d |
Effective depth |
Für die Bewehrungsrichtung φ1 ergibt sich somit folgende Druckzonenhöhe x-z,φ1:
The same value and the related intermediate values can also be found in the details table.
For the reinforcement direction φ2, the neutral axis depth x-z,φ2 is obtained:
This value and the related intermediate values can also be found in the details.
The ideal moments of inertia Ii,II in state II (cracked section) are determined as follows for the two directions of reinforcement:
Ii,II,-z,ϕ1 = 1/3 · 100.0 · 4.193 + 6.061 · 11.31 · 17 - 4.192 = 13 701 cm4
Ii,II,-z,ϕ2 = 1/3 · 100.0 · 4.023 + 6.061 · 11.31 · 15.8 - 4.022 = 11 678 cm4
Für die beiden Bewehrungsrichtungen φ1 und φ2 ergeben sich damit gemäß Gleichung 2.69 folgende Betondruckspannungen σc in der Betondruckzone (d. h. an Flächenoberseite):
These values are also shown in Figure 2.92 (the program takes more decimal places into account).
Die vorhandenen Druckspannungen σc,+z,φ1 und σc,+z,φ2 sind somit kleiner als die maximale Betonspannung σc,max (siehe Bild 2.90). Der maßgebende Quotient von vorhandener zu zulässiger Betondruckspannung liegt in die Bewehrungsrichtung φ1 vor. The design is fulfilled.