2 Theoretical Background

7.2 Graphic Printout

In RFEM, you can transfer every image shown in the work window into the printout report or send it directly to a printer. Thus, you can also prepare the reinforcements and design ratios shown on the RFEM model for the printout.


Printing graphics is described in chapter 10.2 of the RFEM manual.

Analyses on the RFEM model

To print the current graphic of the design ratios, select

      • File → Print Graphic

in the menu or use the corresponding toolbar button.

Image 7.2 Print Graphic button in RFEM toolbar

The following dialog box opens.

Image 7.3 Graphic Printout dialog box, General tab

This dialog box is described in chapter 10.2 of the the RFEM manual.

You can use the drag-and-drop function as usual to move a graphic to another position within the printout report.

To retroactively adjust a graphic in the printout report, right-click the corresponding entry in the report navigator. The Properties option in the shortcut menu once more opens the Graphic Printout dialog box where you can adjust the settings.

Image 7.4 Graphic Printout dialog box, Options tab
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