
[EN] FAQ 004618 | During the installation, I get a message saying that the files "hasplms.exe" and "hasplmv.exe" ...

During the installation, I get a message saying that the files "hasplms.exe" and "hasplmv.exe" could not be deleted. What should I do?

As already mentioned in this message, the corresponding permissions to delete the files are missing or the files are in use.

To avoid this problem, the "Sentinel LDK License Manager" service should be stopped first.

Then, it is necessary to delete the files "hasplms.exe" and "hasplmv.exe" from the directory C:\Windows\System32.

Note 1: On some computers, the files are not located under C:\Windows\System32, but under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\.

Note 2: In some cases, it may happen that the files cannot be deleted. In this case, you have to move the files to the desktop, for example, and then delete them.
