
Behavior of Membrane Surfaces Under Compression

How can I shift the nodes of an inclined top chord to the member axis of a generated 2D truss without having to calculate the x- and z-vectors beforehand?


The nodes of the inclined upper chord can be moved in the member axis using the "Project" command from the "Edit" drop-down menu.

To do this, select the node first and then open the command. A window appears where you can move the nodes by entering a factor and specifying the direction.

If it is difficult to determine the factor, you can use the following procedure:

If you want to move the nodes, for example, in the X-direction, simply change the node coordinates to the desired new coordinates. This causes the chord not to be inclined correctly anymore, but you can adjust it easily using the "Project" command (in the "Edit" drop-down menu).

Before you open the command, select the corresponding node again, and specify the projection direction and target line in the "2D Project" dialog box (see image).

According to your description of the structure, you should use Z as the projection direction and define the target line by two points that describe the inclination of the chord. Click [OK] to confirm, and the chord has the correct inclination again and the nodes are in the correct position.
